Common Beginner Photography Questions

Blurry Bokeh image

As a begin­ner in pho­tog­ra­phy, you often won­der why a spe­cif­ic image looks the way it does. You maybe notice that only a bit of the sub­ject is in focus, or there is a col­or shift and you don’t know how that hap­pened. Oth­er com­mon ques­tions are around motion blur (mov­ing sub­jects are blur­ry, but sta­tion­ary things are sharp in the image) and cam­era … Read more

Light Painting Technique

Image of an egg taken by using the light painting technique

Last year I came across the images of the pho­tog­ra­ph­er Harold Ross, and he cap­tured my atten­tion by the inten­si­ty of his fine art images. His process is very intrigu­ing, as he does “light paint­ing”, but not in the way I knew (e.g. swing­ing steel wool). He uses a soft dif­fused light source to illu­mi­nate the sub­ject in com­plete … Read more

Image Post-Processing Overdose

Yes­ter­day was Club Tues­day for me, my neigh­bor­hood Pho­to Club had the month­ly com­pe­ti­tion night. It is the most pop­u­lar club night, as it is about watch­ing pret­ty images and talk­ing about pho­tog­ra­phy. It was also an open com­pe­ti­tion, that means we allowed any sub­ject. We had the judge offer­ing his opin­ion, and he was … Read more

How I sold my first print

And how I sold my last print. And why it is the only print I sold so far. This is the sto­ry of the one print I sold to an unknown cus­tomer. I wish I knew the name of who­ev­er bought it, I would like to thank the per­son. So if you are that per­son, feel a huge bear hug from me. Glob­al Pho­to Club Let’s … Read more

So you have a camera, what now?

I can see you are excit­ed. You dis­cov­ered pho­tog­ra­phy in your life and you want to know more. Wel­come! But where do you start? There are so many ways to prac­tice pho­tog­ra­phy. The tech­nol­o­gy is mov­ing fast, togeth­er with the devices we use for pho­tog­ra­phy. Giv­en that we have about 3.5 bil­lion smart phone users world­wide (accord­ing to … Read more