Macro Photography Focus Stacking 101

Depth of Field on Steroids for your Macro Shots When you are doing macro pho­tog­ra­phy, the ben­e­fit is you can find heaps of sub­jects in your gar­den (if you have one) or around where you live. No need to pay for a trip to Ice­land or Paris or New York. Great macro oppor­tu­ni­ties are every­where. My guess … Read more

Learn about the Pep Ventosa Photography Technique

When I am walk­ing in the near­by park at lunchtime, I am always search­ing for ways to cre­ate new images from ordi­nary objects. When there are no sweep­ing land­scapes and grand archi­tec­ture to point your cam­era at, you have to be more resource­ful to cre­ate unusu­al images. When I looked at this tree here (the one in the … Read more