Gurushots Survival Guide (Part II)

This is part II of the Gurushots series. In the first part, I covered all the basics but sprinkled in some tips & tricks as well. If you don’t know what Gurushots is and how it works, then I would recommend spending a bit of time reading the first part or dive into the game, ... Read more

Link to article from John Cornicello about subject reflection, diffusion, light modifiers

I just stum­bled across an arti­cle about a num­ber of top­ics I was inter­est­ed in for prod­uct pho­tog­ra­phy, espe­cial­ly how sur­face reflec­tions behave in dif­fer­ent light­ing and with dif­fer­ent light mod­i­fiers and dis­tance from the sub­ject. So instead of rehash­ing it here, I link to the source below. Thanks, John Cor­ni­cel­lo, for mak­ing that resource avail­able for all … Read more