GuruShots Survival Guide (Part III)

Wel­come to part III of this Gurushots arti­cle series. In the first part, I cov­ered all the basics but sprin­kled in some tips & tricks as well. If you don’t know what Gurushots is and how it works, then I would rec­om­mend spend­ing a bit of time read­ing the first part or dive into the game, then read the … Read more

Lightroom Virtual Summit

If you are inter­est­ed in learn­ing Adobe Light­room, you might want to have a look at this free event here (3 ‑7 May 2021): Light­room Vir­tu­al Sum­mit I have attend­ed a num­ber of vir­tu­al sum­mits sim­i­lar to the upcom­ing one, and it was always valu­able. You have to pro­vide your email address to get a free pass for … Read more