David Osborn Photography – The Making Of Tower Bridge

David Osborne Pho­tog­ra­phy Web­site – Screen­shot of ‘The Mak­ing Of Tow­er Bridge’

Today I would like to direct your atten­tion to a pho­tog­ra­ph­er who cre­ates quite unique images. He start­ed a new series of … well I don’t know how to call it … steps to doc­u­ment how he works on an image from scratch. Read about it here on his blog part of the website:

David Osborn Pho­tog­ra­phy ~ One Minute Reads

You can sub­scribe to get new steps deliv­ered to your inbox. Dis­claimer: I am not affil­i­at­ed with David Osborne, I don’t get paid to do this, I just find that what he has to teach is quite valu­able, and want­ed to let you know about his work. He sells pho­tog­ra­phy work­shops that are quite expen­sive, and I can’t tell if they are worth the mon­ey, but if I would have the mon­ey to spare, I would def­i­nite­ly book in for a work­shop with him. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, an in-per­son work­shop would add a flight from New Zealand to Lon­don to the cost for me, which is cur­rent­ly pro­hib­i­tive for me (he also offers online work­shops). But I real­ly like his work, and maybe one day, I can afford it.

Well, in the mean­time, he gives away some free teach­ings, and I quite enjoyed his tuto­r­i­al pages on his web­site so far. Have a look at his images to gauge if his style is what you are after:

Port­fo­lio | Fine Art Pho­tog­ra­phy Prints For Sale (davidosbornphotography.com)

I like his ana­lyt­ic and method­i­cal approach to pho­tog­ra­phy. He pre-visu­al­izes the images first and then col­lects all parts he thinks are need­ed to com­plete the image in Pho­to­shop. So as far as I can tell, it is always a com­pos­ite image, often using an array of brack­et­ed images (espe­cial­ly over­ex­posed ones to get details in the dark parts), and stitched togeth­er as panoram­ic com­pos­ites. The han­dling of the light results quite often in images that look like a paint­ing from old Dutch mas­ters like Rembrandt.

Can’t wait for the next part!

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