Nik Collection user – quick tip

I’m using the Nik Col­lec­tion tools for a while now, but for what­ev­er rea­son I did­n’t know that they have some good webi­na­rs on their web­site. I stum­bled across that when I was watch­ing one webi­nar of them on Youtube, the one about Sil­ver Efex Pro:

They made a ref­er­ence to their webi­nar page, and here it is:

You can find around 75 webi­na­rs there around their prod­ucts. I love their Sil­ver Efex Pro Plug-In for my Black & White con­ver­sions, so I’ll digest that now.

Hope that helps you as well!

Their Youtube chan­nel is here:

Nik Col­lec­tion by DXO

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